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A lot has been said about the coming of 11.11.11. The arrival of a new consciousness, a higher awareness level, the changing into a new era.

I have to admit, when I look at the moon, it is oh so powerful and I really feel charged up, an unmistakable feeling of happiness, and fulness. A natural and immediate smile on my face, coming from nowhere, so it seems.

The number 11 in itself is a Master Number, from a numerology point of view. Along with that the colour silver and shiny white, platina, and mother of pearl.

It represents a time of revelations in threefold, so with our heightened awareness, new insights may be revealed to us. And with those revelations comes inspiration. Inspiration to put in our best effort to heal the world, where we live in Unity, Equality, with Respect and Love for one another, and All That Is ~ a world of Absolute Peace.

Finally the realization will come, that in order to achieve Absolute Peace, is to begin by looking deep inside our Selves, because this is where all our answers lie. The realization that to heal the world, we need to start with our Selves. Because, when we can live in Peace with our own Divine Self, we will vibrate that peacefulness all around us. This energy will create a chain reaction amongst us, of a power immeasurable, the power of Universal Love.

Therefore my friends, whether it is 11.11.11 or not, ALWAYS view your Self through the eyes of Love, treat your Self with Respect, know that we are One, in Love and Light. What we give out, we get back. Focus on the positive only, and positive will come back to you.

We are a mirror image to the world. So if we want Peace, we need to BE Peace. When we create a peaceful Self, we will create a peaceful family, a peaceful community, a peaceful country, and a peaceful world.

I wish you Love and Light, Peace and Harmony, All Ways, Always.

In Love and Light,

Ingrid van Amsterdam